
Hi, I’m Gatz!


Hi, I’m Gatz!

My mission is to cultivate empathy, empower others, and bring people together. Everything I create is driven by the people I’m designing for. I believe that the heart of good design is the desire to help others. So, I love working with people who share that kind of creative compass :)

Info: Visual designer / Illustrator / Design Researcher. Worked with organizations such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, USAID, Pathfinder International, IDEO.org, and YLabs in Ethiopia, Rwanda, Tanzania, Kenya, and India. Designed and conducted research for adolescent reproductive health, gender equality, financial opportunities, youth empowerment, and more projects. Graduated from ArtCenter College of Design with a BFA in Graphic Design. Specialized in Human-Centered Design. Emphasis in Print and background in Illustration.

What I do: branding, human-centered design research, UI/UX, data visualization, presentation design, infographics, digital marketing, app/web/social media design, print/editorial design, apparel design, print on demand production, illustration, digital/traditional multimedia, lettering, and more.

What I love: collaborating, helping others to grow, connecting people, always learning, and working with a team that has each others’ backs.

Contact for resume and opportunities to work together!

© Gatz Choi 2024